Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sign of the Times with the Coal Bucket

Snapping a picture of a student section should be what high school football is all about. Unfortunately, the picture did reveal something that went unnoticed until I opened up my Sunday paper.

The new stunt among the students in the Shamokin-Mount Carmel rivalry is to steal the opposing decorations off of each other's property, any property. As noted in the story linked above, there are consequences to this action. For a mother and her daughters, they all got to experience the insensitivity of people young and old at an early age. In the article, she asked for the sign back, only to have it ripped apart with the pieces and profanity tossed at her and her daughters.

This football rivalry that has gone on since 1893 is the best display what our area has to offer. I would guess over close to 5000 fans came out to watch to teams that had one win between them. In both communities, people decorate their homes as a source of community pride. In this case, only family friends for the woman were on the Shamokin team. From a personal standpoint this family could live anywhere, but choose to be part of the Shamokin-Coal Township community. What is really disturbing is that no one including adults, showed any leadership and just handed the sign over when asked by the woman.

As noted with the photo above, both schools are at blame here. Remember, trespassing on private property is crime prank or not. When caught there will be two processes at work. One will involve the school system, the other will involve the legal. Students don't seem very worried about school punishment, but fines, legal fees, and community service may change their attitude.

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