Thursday, September 3, 2009

Healthcare bails out Northumberland County?

Two top headlines dominated lower Northumberland County yesterday. First was the sale of the Mountain View Manor (county owned) to it's operation manager for 16.5 million and the townhall meething by Congressman Carney in Sunbury.

"The Deal"

Carney on the Fence

Carney agrees that pre-existing conditions and portability should be key. He is not sure on the public option.

Surprisingly 70% of the audience were for some kind of healthcare reform.

The rumblings I heard from current Manor and county employees yesterday is what will happen to my healthcare. On the hotseat is Northumberland County Commissioner Vinni Clausi who promised that he would never sell the Manor when he met with employees when first elected.

The way the debate is going on healthcare will be something similar to car insurance if passed. It will be manadatory to purchase. This is why a public option is needed. If 48 million subcribers are delivered to the insurance industry where will the competition lie???

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