Monday, December 28, 2009

MCA Football and the Constitution

In this past Sunday's News-Item, an online poll was conducted to see the MCA School Board was appropriate for firing Bob Chesney. Here are the results:

Yes: 2,905 votes ( 80.4%)
No: 641 votes (17.74%)
Not sure: 67 votes (1.85%)
Total: 3,613

Most of the comments had this theme:

Should have been fired after he forced them to attend Mass the
first time.

Appleton, Wis.
Why is religious freedom so misunderstood? No one has the "right" to force
anyone into unwanted indoctrinations. What if the coach was a Muslim and took
everyone to a mosque? Christians carp about their "freedoms," but are unwilling
to allow others to be free from them.

Nova Scotia, Canada
No football team should be compelled to attend
church simply for the sake of playing football, and any coach who makes such a
precondition is violating their fundamental right to freedom of belief.

Last week about 50 miles north in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County was sued by a King's College (Catholic) student for displaying a manger scene on county government property in front of the courthouse.

Citizens braved the weather to protest and finally the suit was withdrawn by the student.

One has to wonder what the reaction was if football players on the own, chose to go to a Friday service wearing their jerseys what the consequences would have been?

16-0 does erase alot of scrutiny.

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