Sunday, January 22, 2012

Joseph Vincent Paterno, 1926 - 2012

There are two guarantees in life, death and taxes. In Pennsylvania, you could say we may have had three.  For most of us for the past 60 years, it was death, taxes, and Joseph Vincent Paterno.  Today, Joseph Vincent Paterno left this world at the age of 85.  His death was prematurely reported as early as 8:15 pm eastern time last night.

Besides the Los Angeles Dodgers and Greg Maresca, Brooklyn's most famous export set up residence in the middle of farm country in central Pennsylvania.  Over the next 60 years, Paterno through his leadership with the football program helped transform a agriculture, land-grant university into something of envy throughout the nation and the world.

Joe Paterno's football teams won on and off the field.  His players became doctors, lawyers, teachers, Hall of Fame football players, composers and who touched many people in every walk of life.  I would venture to say, 90 percent of any incoming freshman class were influenced in attending the university for what leadership they saw on and off the football field and the history behind it.

There are still some unresolved issues that will be written about the final legacy of JoePa.  Out of respect for the respose of the soul of JoePa and his family I will only offer my sympathy and prayers.


For the millions of fans of Joe Paterno and PSU football, Saturday afternoons will never be the same.  You have the last of an iconic college football coach who became the symbol of a state and a university.  Take pride in the fact that you also helped build PSU for what it has become today and it's influence around the world.  Time will heal and a time will come to honor JoePa.


There are probably not many alumni who know PSU withough Joe Paterno. JoePa provided you with an example of leadership that you should continue in any endeavor you have chosen.  It is still a path if chosen to follow will provide you with rewards in the end.


In the upcoming months there will be a trial.  There will be a time to come clean.  Remember, power and greed trips you up everytime.


Grieve the loss of a husband, father, and grandfather.  Eventually time will heal.  Hopefully, the family will be able to find a new purpose in life beyond football.  Maybe on the horizon valuable influence could be spread among, cancer, child abuse and early childhood education.  These are problems the state and the country faces as our lives move forward.

God Bless the Paterno family, you will be in our prayers.

Edward Washuta

1 comment:

BillFrac said...

Very well written, Ed. Thanks for sharing!