Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mass Amnesia!!!

For some reason our country is moving toward a mob rule mentality than looking at the facts. The final signatures have been put on the the Health Care Bill and many people claim to be up in arms. Our last century has seen mass suicide in Jonestown, while this century has bred mass fear and hysteria. Please add mass amnesia to the list.

While the Health Care Bill passed and the naysayers are asking who is going to pay? The last time health care had any legs was in 1993 and where have your premiums gone? For the most part, this is Health Care reform but Health Insurance Reform. I would like to see a public option somewhere down the line. If it were truly socialized takeover the law would have said Medicare for everyone.

If you want to look at some spending in case you forgot, we continue to spend on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan at a 12 BILLION dollar a month clip thanks to Big Dan. With thanks to conservative Pre-Brief, if we would only spend 20% more on defense, we will outspend the rest of the world combined on military expenditures.

In case your keeping score over the last century here is the scorecard of the party of "No":

VOTING RIGHTS ACT OF 1965 333-85.MEDICARE 307-116.

according to Lulac.
Before the Social Security Act of 1935, women were not allowed to collect a pension!!!!

I will have to hand to the PR machine of the "Party of No". They are amazing in convincing a massive amount of people that something bad for them is actually good for them. If you want to roll the dice in November and bring back the party who brought down Glass-Steagall and nefarious oversea adventures costing billions a month do so at your own peril.

Special kudo's go out to Congressman Carney for taking a stand in the 10th and Kanjorski in the 11th. However, Kanjorski tripped when he could have added Carney to much for seniority.

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